
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yes, we are still alive!

I have so so much to blog about but no time to do it. Hopefully tomorrow I will get around to it.

Happy Fall!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Squeezing the last little bit out of SUMMER!

Sadly, summer is coming to an end. I don't want summer to be over but on another note I am super excited for Utes Football season. Yea!!!

The kids, my mom and I went to Cowabunga Bay. We've really wanted to go and I found tickets for half price so we did it. Karson LOVED it! He has asked me several times when we can go again. The slides were just his size. He was tall enough to go down all of them by himself (he didn't though).
Kaydance on the other hand does not like to get water in her face. I took her down one of the slides and she cried the whole time. She must be related to my mom!! My mom doesn't get in the water much when we go swimming. She usually leaves looking the same as when she got there - except for this day. So funny! They have 2 big buckets and a million little buckets (little exaggeration) that dump water periodically. She came over to take a picture of the kids and I going down the slide and she was getting wet so as soon as we got to the bottom she wanted to take the camera back to our chairs. She was doing a swift walk back and BAM she walked right into the big bucket of water. She didn't even know what to do with herself. She was gasping for air like she was drowning. I just laughed! I quickly remembered that she still had my camera that was sopping wet! All I could think was please please please not another camera ruined. That would only be 3 in the last year (Dang it!). I took the camera and ran back to dry it off. Good news.. the camera is fine and she didn't drown!! ;)

Kaydance really liked floating (like this) in the shallow part.

Time to go home.
Just for anyone curious.. Cowabunga Bay was a lot of fun. The slides weren't anything too fast or scary but perfect for Karson. We all enjoyed the Lazy River. It wasn't really that big but it was relaxing. The park is small but I actually liked that better. It made it a lot easier to keep track of Karson. We'll go back again (with discount tickets). A half day would have been perfect for us.
Love, Me

Monday, August 30, 2010

Kindergarten Kid

We have survived the first week of school!

Karson has started Kindergarten. I can't believe I have a child who is in school. WOW! We went to meet his teacher the week before school started. That was interesting! I was totally fine all morning. I hadn't thought anything about it but the very second we walked into the classroom his teacher asked, "Is this Karson?" The tears started! I couldn't even look at her. I just looked down at Karson like he should be the one doing the talking. I don't even know what she said to him. All I could hear was myself saying, "Get a hold of yourself!!" We were there for the regular Kindergarten testing so she had me sit outside the room so she could talk to Karson and I could fill out a stack of papers.

Since I had a hard time at 'meet the teacher' day I thought I would be a mess for the first day of school. There actually wasn't any time to be upset. We got there and he went right into class. Steve thought it was going to be a longer process. He stood at the doorway and watched. Karson wasn't nervous or anything. He just went in and sat down by the other kids like he'd been doing this for months.
First Day of School
After school we went home and had a mini photo shoot. It was fun! We'll have to work more on Karson's hand writing! ;)

And of course Kaydance wanted to do it too!!
He Loves School!! so far ;)
With him starting school we also started a schedule. We have never really had a regular schedule but it's been really good for the whole family (hopefully we can stick with it!). Both kids have done so good with waking up and we're all ready for the day when we take Karson to school. That is out of the norm for sure. I think I'll need to start drinking coffee daily. No more sleeping in around this house!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

one BIG project

I had to post this. I'm actually pretty impressed with it. I was asked to decorate the wall at Storybook Nook in Gardner Village (where I work a couple nights a week) and thanks to the computer, cricut and my cousin I was able to put this together. I know it's a little early for Halloween but I guess not at Gardner Village since Witches Night Out is the biggest event they have. Here is how it turned out...
This is on the window

And there you have it!!
Have A Good Day!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Oh wHat A tRiP!!

Here is how it went...

To start.. Camping is not the same without a truck! We were jam packed in the car. Karson was loaded with not an inch to move!
We were originally planning to camp at The Spruces up Big Cottonwood canyon. We DID try to reserve a spot online but it said they were all 'walk-up' only so we thought if we went up in good time Friday we'd be okay. ha ha THINK AGAIN!! It was full to the max. So, we drove up Little Cottonwood Canyon and... yep, you guessed it. It was full too. After pondering what to do we decided we did not pack all of this crap up just to go back home. We were going to camp dang it!! So, we drove up to Kamas hoping to find a spot - and... we were successful! Not the best but it worked. Now it was time to unload...

Karson and Kaydance helped Daddy set up the tent...(not the best picture)

...while Payton helped Brooke.

The girls loved playing in the dirt! It was easier to let them do it then try to stop them. And, 'a little dirt never hurt!' Payton looks like an Indian...

... while Kaydance looks like a puppy!
And it's a good thing for the washing machine. Kaydance thought it was more fun to bury her baby then to take care of her. (She's clean now!)
Karson couldn't stand the smell of the bathrooms so Steve finally had to come back to get his shirt. This is what they came up with. Ya-gotta-do-what-ya-gotta-do!!

Kaydance couldn't get enough of the dirt! She was doing what looked kinda like push ups.
Lady took a little spill in her chair.
The 3 kids. They were all happy here! Seriously if it weren't one unhappy kid it was another. They took turns. So, next camping trip might just be KIDS FREE!!
This is what the girls did while we packed everything up. They went straight to the tub when they got home.
Good times I tell ya!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Weekend with The Salazars!

I'm just a little behind.

Shalene and Terah came from Arizona to visit and go to Jam Fest. It was a busy Weekend. We had something planned for everyday that they were here. It was officially a 'Salazar Family Weekend!' It was a lot of fun and good to spend time with family.

I don't have any pictures from the first night (Thursday) but the kids all went to Jo and Tyson's for a "Kids Sleepover" with Tia Shalene. They had a scavenger hunt, jumped, played games and got in the hot tub. Karson had so much fun that he didn't want to come home!

We had other plans on Friday since it was Kaydance's birthday so we missed going up the canyon. I love the canyon so I really wanted to go but we couldn't fit it all in. Next time though.

Saturday Joannah and Tyson had a BBQ up at their house. They had a really good turn out which is always more fun. It was a good get together for Shalene and Terah.

Cute little girl on the ride to Jo Jo's
Karson's turn to jump over the rope. They played this game for most of the night.
Two cute girls chillin out on the hammock. Kaydance had an outfit change into pj's.
Cute Cousins
Sunday we had Family photos and Jam Fest. It's hard to get all 14 people to look good at the same time. Especially when you're dealing with 4 kids. ;) Here is how that went...
Grandpa Henry and Grandma E with all 5 Grand kids. There is exactly 18 years difference between the oldest (Terah) and the youngest (Kaydance).

I really like this picture of the Bros and Sisters.
The Ladies!
And I love this one! Finally a good one of us! Steve usually can't keep his eyes open for a picture. ;) ha ha

And then it was time for Jam Fest. It's always a good time. This year Kaydance didn't want to sit still and Karson ran around all night. The guy at the concession was impressed that Karson would go down there alone and order whatever he wanted at the moment (after begging people for a dollar or two!). He thought he was a Rock Star that night! He kept getting on stage and rockin' out. He really wanted to sing Baa Baa Black Sheep. He's not shy.
Karson getting his 5 minutes of fame while 'helping' Grandpa Henry
Isabel singing. She did so good. I never would have remembered the words!
Kaydance and Terah
Kaydance was getting so tired. It had been a long day for her. She was out 10 minutes after this pic.
It was really a good weekend. I had 4 days off of work to spend time with Family. It was busy but that's the way I like it. ;)
I'll try to finish catching up tomorrow. I've got to get to bed. I haven't made it to bed before 12:30 yet this week. Tonight is finally the night.
Love, Me

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

hAppY bIrThdAy bAbY GiRL!!

My Baby Girl turned 2 last Friday.
The time goes by even faster with the second kid. I feel like she should still be a little baby. However, she is far from a baby. She has conquered potty training. I thought Karson was easy but she passed him right up. I'm so proud of her. She thinks she's 5 just like Karson. It is so cute and funny to watch her try to do everything that Karson does and he'll usually help her out. I thought my boy was suppose to be the climber-into everything kind of kid but it's just the opposite. She keeps us on our toes. At the same time she does love to be a Girly Girl. She likes to dress up in heels and wear bracelets (not just one more like 5) and carry around a purse. So cute! She'll ask me to 'pant (paint) her toes pretty' and she usually wants a bow/flower (only lasts for 5 minutes sometimes but she asks). She is so much fun. We wouldn't trade her for anything in the world!

Two years ago she was this cute Baby Girl.

One year later..

And now she isn't a baby anymore. She is a cute little 2 year old but she'll always be my Baby Girl.

Dennis a.k.a. Michigan

So good to share!

Sal played on the tramp with all of the kids. It's hard to get a good picture because they will not sit still.

Grandma helped her open this present from 'Nanny'. Some dishes for her kitchen at Grandma's. And they're even PINK! We LoVe PINK!!

She even got these slick new boots. Now she can be just like brother ;)

And this new Kitchen. It has kept both kids very busy.

HaPpY BiRtHdAY cUte gIrL!!
Thanks to everyone who came and helped make her birthday a success. It wouldn't have been the same without you. ;)